A Specific Methylation Analysis and Report Tool for BS-Seq data


Time-stamp: 2017-02-23 21:26:37 Hongbo Liu


Please check the file 'INSTALL' in the distribution.

The source code of SMART is stored on PyPI - the Python Package Index which is a repository of software for the Python programming language. To use SMART package from this index either "pip install SMART-BS-Seq" (get pip) or download, unpack and "python install" it.

Usage of SMART

usage: SMART MethyDir CytosineDir [-h] [-n PROJECTNAME] [-o OUTPUTFOLDER] [-v]

positional arguments


The directory (such as /liuhb/BSSeq/) of the folder including methylation data files formated in wig.gz (such as H1.wig.gz). REQUIRED.


The directory (such as /liuhb/CLoc_hg19/) of the folder including cytosine location files for all chromesomes formated in txt.gz (such as chr1.txt.gz). REQUIRED.

optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Project name, which will be used to generate output file names. DEFAULT: "SMART"


If specified all output files will be written to that directory. Default: the directory named using projectname and currenttime (such as SMART20140801132559) in the current working directory.

-v, --version

show program's version number and exit


Example data

The example data can be found in the directory Example under the installation directory of SMART. It should be noted that the location of installation directory of SMART may be different in different Operating System. The Cytosines and their methylation level in 50kb regions from chr3 and chr6 were extracted for test of SMART. User can use following command to test SMART.

Example command for running SMART

For Linux:

The main function SMART may be in /usr/local/bin/, and example data may be in ../python2.7/dist-packages/SMART/Example. The following referece may be useful for test of SMART:

SMART /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SMART/Example/BSSeq_fortest/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SMART/Example/CLoc_hg19_fortest/ -n Test -o /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SMART/Example/Example_Results/
For windows:

The main function SMART may be in ..\Python27\Scripts\, and example data may be in ..\Python27\Lib\site-packages\SMART\Example. The following referece may be useful for test of SMART:

cd  ..\Python27\Scripts\
python SMART ..\Python27\Lib\site-packages\SMART\Example\BSSeq_fortest\ ..\Python27\Lib\site-packages\SMART\Example\CLoc_hg19_fortest\ -n Test -o ..\Python27\Lib\site-packages\SMART\Example\Example_Results\

Example command for building wig file based on bed file

File Format Usage Uploaded on Size Shell Convert bed format to wig format 2017-02-23 4.0kb

Output Files

  1. Folder SplitedMethy is a a output directory to store the splited Methylation data. The methylation data are stored in different chromosome sub-folders. In each sub-folder, the methylation data for all samples are included.

  2. Folder MethylationSpecificity is a output directory to store the methylation levels and specifity for each C which is common across all samples. These files are stored in chromosomes. In this folder, MethylationSpecificity.wig.gz includes the methylation specifity of all common C. And this file can be uploaded to UCSC browser for visualization.

  3. Folder MethylationSegment includes three sub-folders: GenomeSegment, GenomeSegmentMethy, and MergedGenomeSegment. The sub-folder GenomeSegment stores all small segments identified by SMART in each chromosome. And the sub-folder GenomeSegmentMethy stores the methylation levels of each small segments across all samples which may be useful for users' local further analysis. The sub-folder MergedGenomeSegment stores the larger segments merged based on the small segments in each chromosome. The final results are generated based on these merged segments.

  4. Folder FinalResults includes all intresting results which may be concerned by users. In this folder, there are six files.

    -The first file 1SmallSegmentBed.txt.gz stores all small segments in bed format, which can be uploaded to UCSC browser for visualization.

    -The second file 2MergedSegmentBed.txt.gz stores all merged segments in bed format, which can be uploaded to UCSC browser for visualization.

    -The third file 3MergedSegment.txt stores all merged segments in txt format, which is useful for local further analysis.

    -The fourth file 4MergedSegmentwithmethylation.txt stores the methylation levels of all merged segments across all samples, which is useful for local further analysis.

    -The fifth file 5MergedHighLowSpeSegmentwithspecificity.txt stores the methylation specificity and p values of t-test for each merged HighSpe/LowSpe segement, which is useful for further analysis on cell-type-specificity for each HighSpe/LowSpe segement. The positive p value represents the segment is hyper-methylated in the corresbonding cell-type, while the negative p value represents the segment is hypo-methylated in the corresbonding cell-type.

    -The sixth file 6CellTypeSpecificMethymarkPvalue.txt is a reformated file for the fifth file. In this file, only the HighSpe/LowSpe segements which show significant hypo- or hyper-methylation in some cell-types are remained. This file is usefull for users to select and analyze cell-type-specific methylation marks including HypoMarks and HyperMarks.


For any help: you are welcome to write to Hongbo Liu (